Monday 22 July 2013

Fixed-Blade Broadhead Tuning

The first time I saw the effect of a broad head on the flight of a arrow it cost me 3 arrows and 2 goats. I new that high speed bows tended to cause different behavior from your broad-heads compared to field tips  but i had not expected an 40cm right hand change at 42 meters! So I started asking around about it and to be honest no one gave me an answer i was happy with, or that I felt truly answered the issue. 

I had been told to re-sight my pins and that basically you where either a target shooter or a hunter. I was also told that some guys have broadhead/hunting sights and a separate target/field tip sight. None of this actually explained why high energy compound bows cause fixed blade broad heads to take a different flight path. So I researched it and called a few experts namely the technical team at PSE and this is what I was told.

Arrows with broad heads are far more likely to be susceptible to wind planeing. This is because the broad-head blades act as “wings”. 

As the arrow leaves the bow if the broadhead is not dead center the blade will act as wings and catch more air flow on one side (up, down, left, right). 

This is not something paper tuning will always detect with field tips as the adjustment is far more subtle. Furthermore this is exaggerated as the broadhead reaches the peak of its trajectory and begins its downward arch the wind can catch the “wings” (blades) and push it downward or sideways  causing erratic flight. (Arrows drift right, left, down or even up.) 
Adjusting the arrow rest usually corrects the problem.
(This is assuming you do not have spine or FOC issues and that your bow has been paper tuned.)

How To Do It
If the broadheads are not flying the same as field points the arrow rest needs to be tuned.  For example broadheads fly high and left of zero for field points. This tells that the broadhead tipped arrows are coming off the bow a little high and left.

You must tune or move the broadhead shot to the field tip shot.

To correct first move rest to the right until broadheads are hitting straight high. Secondly move the rest down. Continue adjusting until broadheads and field points hit the same spot.
Sights may need to be adjusted. That is fine because broadheads and field points are now hitting the same spot.

Other notes
  • As the strings/cables age and creep (stretch) this tuning may need to be repeated.
  • Broadhead flight may vary from bow to bow.
  • Older slower bow models do not produce as much energy thus field points and broadheads may have flown consistently. 
  • In addition variation in manufacturing tolerances of broadheads affects flight.

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